lauantai 27. heinäkuuta 2024

Lilly Leggi by Migliorati. Italy, 80s-90s. Talking doll that moves and "reads"


Gimmy by Migliorati. Italy, 60s-70s. Anatomically correct boy doll. Doll set


Nameless doll by Chiltern. UK, 40s. Doll in bunny suit.


Ange GoGo by Fiba. Italy, 80s. Roller skating ice cream doll. Boy doll


Cloe by Migliorati. Italy, 80s. Cappage patch clone.


Sisisi...Nonono by Furga. Italy, 80s. Yes/no doll.


Paolino by Effe. Italy, 70s-80s. Drink and wet doll.


Titti Dog by Migliorati. Italy, 80s. Cappage patch clone with dog.


Simona by Migliorati. Italy, 60s-70s.


Nameless bride doll by Sonni. East Germany, 70s-80s.


Fanny & Dolly Cola by Furga. Italy, 70s. Mini dolls with "soda" cans